A downloadable game for Windows

By:  Jenny Leidig, Evan Sooklal, and Devin Toms

Submission for the Goblin Bunker Game Jam May 2024, with the theme “Fracture”. 

This game is meant to be played as a virtual desktop toy. You control the fate of our virtual egg by clicking and dragging the top of the game window. The more aggressively you shake the window, the faster the egg will fly across the screen, and the more it will fracture! You will also be grateful to hear the whimsical song that graces your ears. Our prot-egg-onist is also very emotive, but also very moody; it will go from happy to mortified at the drop of a hat! Or the drop of an egg… This game will never end, so play until your heart is… yolked…


Shake the window to move the egg!

Press Enter or click “Start” from the main menu to start the game 

Press M during the game to toggle the background music on/off 

Press N during the game to toggle the sound effects on/off 

Press Esc at any time to close the game window

Known Bugs:

- Sound effects aren't working :(

Game made in Godot. 

Sprites made with Aseprite. 

Music by u_dxlduo3m2g from Pixabay


Yolked.exe 67 MB
Yolked_src.zip 1.1 MB

Install instructions

Just download and run the EXE on Windows (YMMV for other OSes).

A source Godot package has been included for those curious.

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